Carousel Chorus
Carousel Chorus is a talented singing group from Brighton, with 4 learning disabled artists who write and perform their own songs accompanied by instruments or acapella.
Freedom EP
Drawing inspiration from nature, the Chorus have produced a collection of beautiful songs; Hearts and Flowers, Churchyard, Apple Orchard, Freedom and Elements.
Immerse yourself in their harmonies as they take you on a journey through their 5 tracks encapsulating the natural world.
Watch the Chorus in action with their song written and recorded during lockdown 2020. The Chorus share what they can see looking out of their windows and how they feel about what they see.
Looking Out Our Windows
Over the lockdown period, the Chorus produced a series of audio tours to transport you back to nature, find out more here.
Audio Tours

Chorus EPK
Are you a Music Promoter or Venue?
Download the Chorus EPK for more information.